Bi’ kuruş yok cepte
Ama yedi cihan benim
Derdimin karnı tok
Seneler ne hain

Bahtım ağlar ardımdan
Hep aza talim

Halimiz itten beter keyfimiz paşada yok
Koy masaya bir duble buzsuz olsun

Bu garip devranda seni aradım durdum
Varlıktan geçip yokluğa tutundum
Ah’lar ağacında ham meyvayım
Buldum sandım, kavruldum, kaçamıyorum

Halimiz itten beter keyfimiz paşada yok
Koy masaya bir duble buzsuz olsun

Not a penny in my pocket
Yet I own the seven realms
My troubles fat and happy
How treacherous are the passing years

My fortune wears the willow
Always settled for less

Worse than dogs, we have the spirit of lords
Hey, bring a straight double shot

I kept on looking for you in these weird times
I gave up on existence and held on to absence
I am an unripe fruit on a tree of woes
I thought I found and was withered instead without escape

Worse than dogs we have the spirit of lords
Hey, bring a straight double shot